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Log Cost Estimate


Forecast log costs


cortisol logs cost-estimate --host HOST --log-file LOG_FILE --users NUM_USERS --spawn-rate SPAWN_RATE --run-time RUN_TIME -cortisol-file CORTISOL_PYTHON_FILE


Forecast log costs pre-production with Cortisol for Datadog, New Relic, Grafana and GCP Cloud Logging


cortisol logs cost-estimate --host --users 100 --spawn-rate 30 --run-time 20m -cortisol-file

Required Flags - Option 1

-f, --cortisol-file PATH Path to the CORTISOL_FILE

-h, --host TEXT Host in the following format: or

-l, --log-file PATH Path to log file

-u, --users INTEGER Peak number of concurrent users

-r, --spawn-rate INTEGER Rate to spawn users at (users per second)

-t, --run-time TEXT Stop after the specified amount of time, e.g. (50, 30s, 200m, 5h, 2h30m, etc.). Default unit in seconds.

Required Flags - Option 2

All the latter options plus the following in case your application run in a Docker container:

-c, --container-id TEXT Optional docker container id where your application runs

Required Flags - Option 3

--config PATH Path to config file (YAML or JSON) containing the long version of flags from option 1

Optional Flags

--stats-file PATH Path where to store the cortisol statistics output as a csv

Here's a YAML example:

host: ""
log-file: "/path/to/logfile"
users: 100
spawn-rate: 30
run-time: "20m"
cortisol-file: ""
stats-file: "cortisol_stats.csv"

Here's a YAML example with docker container id:

host: ""
log-file: "/path/to/logfile"
users: 100
spawn-rate: 30
run-time: "20m"
cortisol-file: ""
container-id: "80f1bc1e7feb"
stats-file: "cortisol_stats.csv"

and a JSON example:

"host": "",
"log_file": "/path/to/logfile",
"users": 100,
"spawn_rate": 30,
"run_time": "20m",
"cortisol_file": "",
"container_id": "80f1bc1e7feb",
"stats-file": "cortisol_stats.csv"